Phone: 336-763-0528 | Fax: 336-763-0529 | 2921 Battleground Suite E | Greenboro, NC 27408

September we had 27 happy hearts come into our very first Charity Sewcial Day.
Our very first delivery we had over 55 items to our coastal neighbors and there is still more to come.
We welcome you to join us November 30th for our next Sewcial. Our November focus will be throw quilts for Rape Crisis center.
Yes, we still are collecting donations for the coastal relief.
On our second amazing delivery for our coastal neighbors, with your help, we were able to lovingly pay forward 35 quilts, 7 fleece blankets for children and adults, and 40 pillowcases!

Thank you for all you do! We are so touched by your heart!